A part of Eurasia, a multitude of nations
A corner of the globe that's spawned so many invasions
Divided on many fronts, relieved to have a union
We called it peace but who were we foolin'?
You may paper the cracks but it was long falling apart
Blind yourself to the injustices that were there from the start
Yet remember when all's said and done and you're feeling forlorn
This place we call Europe has yet to be born!
Now, it's from the border of the two Ireland's hail I
And already I hear you asking "which side?"
So you can put me in a box, put a label on it
Forget we're all European and think you're in credit
Credit where credit's due, what say you my friend?
Are you still thinking of your pocket and how much the banks will lend?
Or are you asking yourself what can be done
To bring real harmony, to bring real love?
For there are crooks in power, whether in Brussells or London
In league with the Devil they spare but no one
To make us fodder for corporations, steal what they can
If you're not awake to this, you've your head in the sand
Did you know the word Tory comes from the Irish for criminal?
Many a crime they've gotten away with but our reaction has been banal
Like the Blairites of New Labour and all neo-liberals of Europe
They threat us like fools and tell us to shut up
We'll shut up no more, we'll take back our lives
That's if we're serious about stopping these crimes
Environmental destruction, war, economic collapse
The rich get richer; they've led us on a merry dance
To stop the tide of fascism we need a real union
Joining all the folk of a continent in democratic institutions
We'll start over again in solidarity not scorn
This place we call Europe has yet to be born!
Now you may think I'm mad for dreaming so high
Tell me what the alternative is if the limit's not the sky
Being shafted from all directions, a taste of the barbarism to come
Look what they done to Iraq and imagine it was your home
The EU and its leaders are in thrall to the US Empire
In all of human history has there been anything so dire
As that bottomless pit that consums all in its wake
We're reaching the precipice...do you realise what's at stake?
But fear not ye sheltered liberal, there's hope for us yet
Throw off the chains of dellusion, face up to the threat
Though the corporate media will twist, lie, turn all to distortion
No one can be left behind on the march of progression
We face the choice now, whether to occupy ourselves with triffles
Or stand and be brave about something that matters
Take the bold step and ensure equality for all
It's then that Europe could be a beacon for the world
Fuck me my friend, is that already the time?
Are we still at this place of infighting and crime?
What happened to Greece was just the start of the commotion
We're next to be sacrificed at the alter of capitalist consumption
The 30s in Germany were a warning from history
And still we sleepwalk to a future so gory
That the lessons of the past pass us by is the norm
This place called Europe has yet to be born!
Manchester is in Europe and that's a geographical fact
You don't need the EU or Westminster to tell you that
Freedom will come when the imperial yoke is thrown off
Whether its from the European elites or Tory toffs
Internationalism will happen when we're on an equal footing
A federated Europe instead of widespread looting!
Democracy from the bottom-up, no hatred or spite
To guard against their reaction, we'd have to try with all our might
As I pen this from a finca in Spain, abandoned to nature
I marvel at the bounty and what we endure
There's so much that distracts us from all that's important
To get back to our roots and cooperate, we'd surely have abundant
To live lives fulfilled, to meet our potential
Free of greed and fear to a world without exclusion
But these are mere words I know, they've been said before
It's only action now that can open the door
A continent-wide movement, sweeping all curruption aside
We're better than this cry the masses, we'd slowly turn the tide
To a future where we could face our children with pride
Through all the troubles and whatever the outcome, at least we'll have tried
A vision of hope, no longer being weary
We'd decide our own fate, be able to see clearly
That we're all one, we'd hesitate no more
This place we call Europe has yet to be born!
Culture Thread 9/3/2025
4 hours ago
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